Paryavaran Sanrakshan: Aaj Ki Zaroorat, Kal Ki Suraksha

  पर्यावरण हमारे जीवन का आधार है। पृथ्वी पर जीवन की निरंतरता के लिए स्वच्छ वायु , शुद्ध जल , हरित वनस्पति और उपजाऊ भूमि अत्यंत आवश्यक हैं। परंतु औद्योगीकरण , शहरीकरण , वनों की अंधाधुंध कटाई , प्लास्टिक और रसायनों के बढ़ते उपयोग ने पर्यावरण को गंभीर संकट में डाल दिया है। जलवायु परिवर्तन , ग्लोबल वार्मिंग , वायु प्रदूषण , जल संकट और जैव विविधता का नाश हमारे अस्तित्व के लिए गंभीर चुनौतियाँ बन चुके हैं। ऐसे में , पर्यावरण को कैसे बचाएं यह प्रश्न अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण हो जाता है। इस लेख में हम पर्यावरण संरक्षण के महत्व , उसके लिए अपनाए जाने वाले उपायों और इसमें समाज की भूमिका को विस्तार से समझेंगे। पर्यावरण संरक्षण क्यों आवश्यक है ? पर्यावरण संरक्षण केवल एक वैकल्पिक विचार नहीं बल्कि समय की आवश्यकता है। इसके कई कारण हैं : जीवन का आधार : शुद्ध वायु , जल और भोजन के बिना जीवन असंभव है। प्रदूषण के बढ़ने से ये सभी संसाधन दूषित हो रहे हैं , जिससे मान...

How to select the right source for the latest news in Hindi?

 “It’s not that good journalism is dying; it’s just that bad journalism is making a lot of noise,” said Raj Kamal Jha, Editor-in-Chief of The Indian Express. The Indian media landscape contains thousands of registered newspapers, 900+ private TV channels, and 1000+ radio stations in Hindi, English, and other regional languages. Besides, online platforms are the primary sources of consuming news accounting for 84%, according to research by Statista. Therefore, among the pool of news sources, how do you identify genuine and fake? Understandably, the news is an integral part of our lives and shapes us. Therefore, it’s fundamental to choose a reliable source for your top news in Hindi. Let’s explore how you can spot suitable channels for your news consumption. 

What are Journalism and its types?

Journalism is an integral part of the Indian democratic society that aids in providing essential information. It’s a process of collecting, compiling, and delivering factual and unbiased news to the public. Journalists help transfer news from various sources to the public through print and electronic media like newspapers, blogs, podcasts, social media, radio, television, and more. Further, journalism is divided into two categories:

  1. Hard news: Hard News Journalism includes information on urgent news, serious, and hitting topics like politics and business. This kind of news is backed up by extensive research and facts. You can identify hard news in the form of political journalism, business journalism, and watchdog journalism.

  2. Soft news: Soft News journalism includes information focusing on entertainment and lifestyle. This kind of news involves culture, art, and human interest events. You can identify soft news in the form of sports journalism, entertainment journalism, and celebrity coverage.

How do you know if your source is reliable for the latest news in Hindi?

Understanding the meaning of Journalism will help you gain rightful information about the hard and soft news. When you learn its meaning, you may start seeing news with a critical mind. A critical mind toward news helps in fact-checking and identification between authentic and fake. 

Due to COVID-19, there’s been an increase in the importance of consuming reliable news reporting. Indian society is dominated by fear of mishaps which creates a need for accurate documentation of events and extensive data analysis. When you consume accurate news, it’ll highlight sensibility, uncover reactions, and impact social attitudes. Further, it’ll reveal mistakes and behaviors to be updated that lead to the smooth functioning of democracy. 

Today, credible journalism is battling to be heard because of the blanket of fake news. People give more attention to obscure theories and beliefs on schemes of “some people” with sinister objectives than to fact-based, truth-seeking-journalism. To get regular, trustworthy top news in Hindi ,English, or other languages, you should follow journalists who challenge political and business interests and separate truth from rumors or half-truths. A good journalist should have courage and the ability to see from different lenses and perspectives. It’s challenging to expose truths due to the journalist’s life being at risk, yet, independent and responsible news is a valuable asset to India.


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